Inzerce zdarma - bazar, náš bazoš umožňuje inzerovat v mnoha kategoriích
Celkem je na serveru 127774 inzerátů.
Detail inzerátu
(Domů : Elektro : Domácí kina : Yamaha M06 520usd/Suzuki 5 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab. 800usd)
Autorádia 20
Blu-ray 4
Detektory 9
Diktafony 7
Discmany, walkmany 7
Domácí kina 26
DVD přehrávače 29
DVD rekordéry 14
GPS navigace 6
Gramofony 27
Hifi systémy 19
Hudební nástroje 12
Měřidla, teploměry 23
Meteostanice 1
MP3 přehrávače 41
Nabíječky 6
Ostatní 344
Projektory 9
Radiopřijímače 13
Reproduktory 29
Satelity 22
Set top boxy 11
Sluchátka 6
Svítidla, lampy 38
Šičí stroje 17
Televize 115
Tunery 0
Videokamery 39
Vysílačky 18
Zesilovače 10

Yamaha M06 520usd/Suzuki 5 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab. 800usd

.: REKLAMA G./The Union Gap Puckett The New Gary Puckett And The Union REKLAMA :.

Administrace: editovat | smazat
Typ: koupím
Vloženo: 03. 01. 2010 v 14:54
Kategorie: Elektro : Domácí kina
Lokalita: Havlíčkův Brod
Kontakt: 444567867868, lukasgary
Počet shlédnutí: 1450

Cena: 520

LUKAS GARY PHONE SHOP LIMITED. Specializes in the distributions of Mobile phones , Laptops , Digital camera,Games , Mobile accessories e.t.c. Our objective is to develop long-term relationships with our customers. To do so, we continuously provide our existing customers new products, advanced designs, and patented innovations so that they can stay on the top of their markets.


Minimum Order : 1-10 units
Shipping Method : FedEx , UPS ,AND DHL.
Delivery Time : 2-3days Delivery To Your Door Step.

WITH 1 year international warranty

Yamaha TRB1005.........$480usd
Yamaha S08...................$520usd
Yamaha M06.................$520usd
Yamaha M08..................$800usd
Yamaha Motif ES6........$900usd
Yamaha S90....................$1000usd
Yamaha S90 ES..............$1100usd
Yamaha Motif ES7.........$1150usd
Yamaha Motif XS6..........$115ousd
Yamaha Motif ES8...........$1300usd
Yamaha TRB JP2..............$1300usd
Yamaha TRB6PII............$1400usd
Yamaha Motif XS7........$1400usd
Yamaha Tyros 2...............$1450usd
Yamaha Motif XS8 .........$1450usd
Yamaha Tyros 3...............$1750usd
Yamaha IM8 40 Mixer.........$2750usd
Yamaha Mixer LS9 (16 Digital Console)......$2800usd
Yamaha Mixer LS9 (32 Digital Console)......$4200usd
Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Console...........$4500usd
Yamaha M7CL (32 Digital Console)............$6500usd
Yamaha M7CL (48 Digital Console)............$7800usd
Yamaha PM5D-RH Mixer .............$22,000usd
Yamaha CP300 88-Key Digital Piano......$1200usd
Yamaha Korg OASYS-88 Keyboard....$1500usd
Korg M3 88-Key Workstation / Sampler...$1100usd
Yamaha Tyros2 61-Key Keyboard....$950usd
Korg Triton Extreme 76-Key Keyboard...$650usd
Korg TR88 88-Key Keyboard....$700
Yamaha PSR-OR700 61-Key Portable...$600
Yamaha Tyros2 61-Key Keyboard Workstation.$850usd
Yamaha PSR-S500 61-Key Arranger..$350usd
Yamaha PSR-S700 61-Key Portable...$450usd
Yamaha MO6 61-Key Synthesizer.....$550usd
Yamaha S08 88-Key Synthesizer....$450usd
Yamaha S90ES 88-Key Synthesizer....$590usd
Yamaha Portable Grand YPG-625...300usd
Yamaha CP300 88-Key Digital Piano....$900usd
Suzuki 10 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab.......$1100
Suzuki 5 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab....$800usd



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