Sony Ericsson Idou (Unlocked)
.: REKLAMA C. With Billy Byers And His Orchestra Hawkins The Hawk In REKLAMA :.
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Typ: koupím
Vloženo: 26. 08. 2010 v 02:03
Kategorie: Mobil : Sony Ericsson
Lokalita: Strakonice
Kontakt: 27745544, Franklin C
Počet shlédnutí: 1251
Cena: 350
The Sony Ericsson Idou may just be a concept phone, but I had the opportunity to handle it while visiting the company's booth at the GSMA World Congress. Indeed, a press pass has its benefits, as other show attendees could gaze at it only in a glass display.
As the Idou is not a finished product, the Sony Ericsson rep wouldn't let the model out of his sight. We had a similar experience at CES 2009 when we examined the Palm Pre--we could touch the outside all we wanted, but we couldn't get an extensive tour of the phone's inner workings.
But even with a short tour, I came away with favorable impressions. Though it doesn't break any new design ground, the Idou is a striking handset in many regards. The 3.5-inch display covers almost all of the phone's front face. Colors were bright and graphics were rich and vibrant. Of course, the Idou displays video in landscape mode. On the whole, the media experience looks quite promising.
Sony Ericsson Idou (Unlocked)
User manual
Travel charger

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