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Detail inzerátu
(Domů : Elektro : Sluchátka : APPLE IPHONE 4G HD 32GB továrna odemčený)
Autorádia 20
Blu-ray 4
Detektory 9
Diktafony 7
Discmany, walkmany 7
Domácí kina 26
DVD přehrávače 29
DVD rekordéry 14
GPS navigace 6
Gramofony 27
Hifi systémy 19
Hudební nástroje 12
Měřidla, teploměry 23
Meteostanice 1
MP3 přehrávače 41
Nabíječky 6
Ostatní 344
Projektory 9
Radiopřijímače 13
Reproduktory 29
Satelity 22
Set top boxy 11
Sluchátka 6
Svítidla, lampy 38
Šičí stroje 17
Televize 115
Tunery 0
Videokamery 39
Vysílačky 18
Zesilovače 10

APPLE IPHONE 4G HD 32GB továrna odemčený

.: REKLAMA Antony and The Johnsons Thank You For Your Love Ep REKLAMA :.

Administrace: editovat | smazat
Typ: prodám
Vloženo: 22. 11. 2010 v 09:29
Kategorie: Elektro : Sluchátka
Lokalita: Český Krumlov
Kontakt: , marcus Yang
Počet shlédnutí: 1053

Cena: 350

Quality of products .....
All our products are brand new, seal where the original box, Factory seal in the original packaging with all warranty package. All products also 1 year warranty and 90 days return policy for detective error return. Repayment is supplied free of charge without any additional charges to the buyer within 24 hours ...

Product Details ...

   1st Complete accessories (Well packed and sealed in original company box)
   2nd Unlocked / sim free.
   3rd Brand new (original manufacturer) box - no copies
   4th All phones have English language as default
   5th All material (software, manual) - car chargers - home chargers - usb data cables -holsters/belt clips - wireless headsets (bluetooth)-leather and non-leather carrying cases - batteries.

APPLE IPHONE 4G 32 gigabytes HD Factory Unlocked ==== 350EUROS

In the
    * The iPhone 4G
    * Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic
    * Dock Connector to USB Cable
    * USB Power Adapter
    * Documentation
    * SIM eject too

Apple iPhone 3G 32GB Unlocked ==== 250EUROS

In the
    * IPhone 3G
    * Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic
    * Dock Connector to USB Cable
    * USB Power Adapter
    * Documentation
    * SIM eject too

We operate 48 hours provides the system via courier services like DHL, FEDEX, UPS to all parts of the world.

We assure you that you have a nice time meeting with our company.

Requiring ..............
Any interested buyer are expected to reply us back with the following information to continue the implementation of ...

1) Products & Model
2) The units that
3) Postal address
4) The names and contact number.

Waiting your reply soon!



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