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(Domů : Elektro : Diktafony : English Bulldogges, and only two litters)
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English Bulldogges, and only two litters

.: REKLAMA Bird And Bee Ray Guns Are Not Just The REKLAMA :.

Administrace: editovat | smazat
Typ: prodám
Vloženo: 03. 05. 2011 v 18:41
Kategorie: Elektro : Diktafony
Lokalita: Karlovy Vary
Kontakt: , common
Počet shlédnutí: 1113

Cena: red

We are a small breeder of Olde English Bulldogges, and only two litters a year. Are the dogs / puppies are raised here at home. They come with some great bloodlines behind them hard to Sullivans / Bullspride for the 1 litter and Sullivans / Bullspride with direct Nunley for the second litter. This is not typical of AKC English Bulldogs, but larger, healthier and sportier version. They have straight legs, which results in common problems and hips down. Muzzles there are slightly longer, so there are fewer problems with breathing. There are wrinkles are not so big and deep cut, so there is no skin problems. Through it all just a healthier dog. All puppies are ready for new homes there now, and come up to date on shots and worming full registration, I have both boys and girls. There are blue brindle, red brindle, red / fawn, red and sadness available. If your looking for a puppy to grow up a dog that can run and play with kids all day and snuggle with you, front of the television after days of hard work for you. For more information, photos of individual pups and the parents, or questions relating to genealogy, please contact


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