Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation)
.: REKLAMA R. Manzarek The Whole Thing Started With Rock and Roll Now REKLAMA :.
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Typ: prodám
Vloženo: 31. 05. 2011 v 17:25
Kategorie: Elektro : Hudební nástroje
Lokalita: Trutnov
Kontakt: , Scott Kolbrenner
Počet shlédnutí: 974
Cena: 000
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Now in its fourth generation, Tyros4 retains its ease of use, ergonomic panel layout and gameplay, and increases with greater and wider variety of sounds, styles, and sophisticated features.
Skype: liturgicalimited
ICQ #: 611748382
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