for sale Panasonic 65" 1080p Flat-Panel Plasma HDTV
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Typ: koupím
Vloženo: 07. 01. 2009 v 16:34
Kategorie: Elektro : Televize
Lokalita: Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Kontakt: 4466677888, ferd
Počet shlédnutí: 1173
Cena: 11111
Panasonic announced its full line of Plasma HDTVs for 2007, including a 42-inch, a 50-inch and 58-inch 1080p high definition model, which join Panasonic's current 65-inch and the world's largest Plasma, the 103-inch, to provide a wide choice of Plasma televisions in the 1080p resolution arena. The full line brings ten new Plasmas to consumers for 2007, and further demonstrates Panasonic's industry leadership and cutting edge technology in big screen Plasma entertainment.

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