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(Domů : Práce a brigády : Práce v zahraničí : Electromechanic of trucks and HDS cranes)
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Stavebnictví 718
Strojírenství 185
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Tisk a polygrafie 19
Tvůrčí práce a design 32
Výuka a vzdělávání 176
Výzkum a vývoj 26
Zdravotnictví 349
Zemědělství 98

Electromechanic of trucks and HDS cranes

Administrace: editovat | smazat
Typ: prodám
Vloženo: 10. 02. 2017 v 09:09
Kategorie: Práce a brigády : Práce v zahraničí
Lokalita: Louny
Kontakt: +420608865757, BRAVER s.r.o.
Počet shlédnutí: 153

Cena: dohodou

Job Description technical vacancy Electromechanic of trucks and HDS cranes
• Working with HDS cranes and trucks;
• Performing works in the field of mechanics: Diesel engines, analyzing defects in Diesel engines and repairing it; assembling and disassembling the engines; recovery and analysis of cylinders, cylinder heads, cylinder head gaskets, valves, transmissions, belts etc.;
• Performing works in the field of hydraulics: good knowledge of pumps, replacing seals, joins; replacing shafts and bushings; regulations and reparations of hydraulic in the cranes arms, etc.;
• Performing works in the field of electricity/ electronics: knowledge of electrical installations in the machines: reading electrical diagrams, analysis of short circuits and carry out repairs (both in trucks and cranes), performing minor diagnosis;
• Flexibility and ability to work independently.
We offer technical vacancy Electromechanic of trucks and HDS cranes
• Fully legal employment according to Belgian law
• Salary 14,50 € gross/hour (negotiable according to experience)
• Organization of accommodation (payable 65€/week)
• Free access to the Internet in the accommodation
• Social bonuses according to Belgian law
Required Skills / Qualifications technical vacancy Electromechanic of trucks and HDS cranes
• Communicative English;
• At least 5 years of experience as an electromechanic;
• Ability to weld with MIG MAG is a big advantage;
• Experience with dealing with mechanical, hydraulic and electrical issues.
Other information
Education level: Vocational
Sectors: Automotive
Working time: Full Time



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